Monday, March 12, 2012

Get Out And Vote!

Ok everyone. It's that time. The primaries are rolling along. Are you voting? Have you voted?

If you are old enough to vote, you need to do it. Period. Way too many people sit around at home thinking their vote won't really matter, so why take the time to do it. This is a tragedy.

Voting is a right, and it is a right that we should not only do, but be PROUD to do! We are Americans! We have a privilege (and in my opinion, a duty) to do this! Why wouldn't we take advantage of that?

So, if your primary hasn't happened yet, get out and vote! This is, in my opinion, the most important presidential election in history. We can't let Obama get re-elected. (As a side note, I would encourage you not to vote for Mitt Romney either. He is the republican version of Obama).

Vote, vote, vote! Do it, and make sure your friends do it too! It matters.

-Austin Eldridge

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