Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Mitt Romney Machine?

Ok, so hopefully, all of you have been following the Presidential race. At least those of you who are/will be of voting age. You may have noticed that Mitt Romney has a commanding lead at the moment in the delegates.

As I see it, Romney will probably win the next several primaries. They just finished up in Nevada, which Romney won easily. No surprises there. Why? Well number one, they are in big time Mormon country. Romney is of course a Mormon. So, I expect him to win easily as they head through Utah and Idaho and the surrounding states. Of course, his Mormon beliefs hopefully present a problem to the Christian voters out there. Obviously, a Mormon is not a Christian, and the fact that he says his faith will guide him is a little scary, considering the problems with his faith. However, I will say that if he does get elected, we probably will not have to worry about religious oppression, which would be a good thing.

Of course the other reason I believe he won and will win is because out there, it's welcome to liberal country. And Romney is a moderate, and basically a liberal. (He is borderline).

Now you may say, wait a minute. Romney is not a moderate! He is running as a Republican! He's running against Obama! Yes, that is true. But he was the Governor of Massachusetts, a very liberal state with a liberal congress. He had the opportunity to pass legislation against their agenda or fail legislation that was for it. What did he do? He didn't. He "had to work with the congress." Romney says "I have never been personally for gay marriage or abortion." This may be true, but he has voted for both, because we "shouldn't discriminate." No, we shouldn't discriminate. But we should stand up for our beliefs, and voting for legislation in favor of these things is not doing that.

This is why the Romney machine is backed by the Republican system. They want someone who isn't too conservative, but is just enough to be different than the Democrats.

I suggest everyone take a closer look at Romney. He isn't what he says and appears to be. He says one thing, and his record shows another. 1-6 Yes, he's good for applause lines, but is he good for President? I wouldn't be too sure.

-Austin Eldridge

1-Romney supported raising various fees by more than $300 million, including those for driver's licenses, marriage licenses, and gun licenses.[115][126] He increased a special gasoline retailer fee by two cents per gallon, generating about $60 million per year in additional revenue.[115][126] 

2-The cuts in state spending put added pressure on local property taxes; the share of town and city revenues coming from property taxes rose from 49 to 53%.[115][126]

3-The combined state and local tax burden in Massachusetts increased during Romney's governorship

4-On April 12, 2006, Romney signed the resulting Massachusetts health reform law, which requires nearly all Massachusetts residents to buy health insurance coverage or face escalating tax penalties such as the loss of their personal income tax exemption.[141] The bill also establishes means-tested state subsidies for people who do not have adequate employer insurance and who make below an income threshold, by using funds previously designated to compensate for the health costs of the uninsured.[142][143][144]

5- Romney advocated tolerance for gay couples. He reluctantly backed an amendment in 2004 that would have banned same-sex marriage but still allowed civil unions.[149]

6- Romney flip-flopped on the issue of abortion as well, moving from an "unequivocal" pro-choice stance in 2002 to a pro-life one.[139]

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