Friday, April 13, 2012

It's Time To Unite

Ok, so this may come as a surprising post because of the negativity I have shown Mitt Romney in the past.

It appears that Romney has the nomination sown up. Now, I still do not think he was the best candidate, but he will be the only one against Obama, and he is definitely better than Obama.

If we want to take the White House back, we need to unite behind Romney. It's the only chance he's got. We can't vote for other candidates, or not vote at all. That just helps Obama. People, you NEED TO VOTE!! This is not only a right to be proud of, it is a right you should take advantage of! Your vote DOES make a difference! The apathy in America is beyond pathetic. We need to change that. Vote, vote, I say it again, VOTE! Are you going to vote? Good.

But back to the topic. It's Romney or Obama. We need to unite behind Romney, and vote for him. It's the only way. Yes, Romney may not be the best, but he's certainly better than Obama. We've got to take the White House back, or we may not have another chance. Let's unite and take down Obama.

-Austin Eldridge

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The GOP Battle

Well, the GOP race for the next Republican nominee is in full force. Mitt Romney appears to be in control, especially after a big win in Illinois on Tuesday night.

Here's the deal: Unless Newt Gingrich drops out of the race, it appears Mitt Romney will sew up the nomination. Newt is splitting the votes between the non-Romney voters, and it's hurting the Santorum campaign.

Newt, the game is over. It's time for you to go. You've had a good run, but you can't win. You need to realize that. After getting shut out in the Illinois delegate battle, I think it's time you figured out it's over.

If Gingrich drops out, as he should, Santorum could see a swing in his direction. You have the voters in support of Romney, and the anyone-but-Romney people. If Gingrich and Paul drop out, Santorum would most likely pick up a good deal of their votes. Romney is a fake conservative, so true conservatives would rather vote for Santorum than him.

The Louisiana primary will be a key race. Rick Santorum has done a lot of campaigning there, and appears to have a good bit of support. If he could win there, it would give back a little of the momentum his campaign has lost.

-Austin Eldridge

Monday, March 12, 2012

Get Out And Vote!

Ok everyone. It's that time. The primaries are rolling along. Are you voting? Have you voted?

If you are old enough to vote, you need to do it. Period. Way too many people sit around at home thinking their vote won't really matter, so why take the time to do it. This is a tragedy.

Voting is a right, and it is a right that we should not only do, but be PROUD to do! We are Americans! We have a privilege (and in my opinion, a duty) to do this! Why wouldn't we take advantage of that?

So, if your primary hasn't happened yet, get out and vote! This is, in my opinion, the most important presidential election in history. We can't let Obama get re-elected. (As a side note, I would encourage you not to vote for Mitt Romney either. He is the republican version of Obama).

Vote, vote, vote! Do it, and make sure your friends do it too! It matters.

-Austin Eldridge

Monday, March 5, 2012

Obama And Christianity... Doesn't Work.

It is unfortunate for me when I see people, especially professing Christians, say that they believe that Barack Obama is a Christian. Look at him. He supports things that are BLATANTLY against God and scripture. He is a man with a socialist agenda. He has people like Eric Holder running the justice department, people that say they will "no longer defend the defense of marriage act." The list could go on and on. But don't just take my word for it. Here is a link to "7 Reasons Why Barack Obama Is Not A Christian." I will list the reasons here, but visit the link to read the in depth summaries.

1- Obama believes there are many paths to heaven. (Jesus said "no man comes to the Father except through Me.")

2- Obama denies the authority of the Bible.

3- Obama supports homosexuality. (Which the Bible calls an abomination.)

4- Obama supports abortion. (Which is murder. As a side note, he also said that he "wouldn't want his daughters punished with a baby if they made a mistake.")

5- Obama affirms muslim prayer.

6- Obama is associated with Black Liberation Theology.

7- Obama has no Bona Fide Christian testimony.

These are grave problems for Obama if he claims to be a Christian. These are grave problems if you say he is a Christian.

Obama is not a Christian. He can't be. Scripture says you will know a tree by its fruit. Obama's fruit is pretty rotten, don't you think?

-Austin Eldridge

Sunday, March 4, 2012

All That Glitters Isn't Gold

Mitt Romney. When I picture him, I picture a slick, smooth-talking politician that's really good about saying what you want to hear. Because that's what he is.

He says he's a conservative. He hasn't voted like one.

He says he's pro-life... Now. But, what about when he wasn't in the past?

He says he's against homosexuality... Now. But what about before?

These are just a few things to consider about the fox that is Mitt Romney. He's a slick talker. He'll talk your ear off with what he thinks you want to hear. But have you noticed how much he has flip-flopped on the issues? Whatever is convenient for him at the time is what he goes with. I don't trust him. Neither should you.

All that glitters isn't gold. Just because he's a good debater, talks nice and slick, and says good things in public doesn't mean I'm gonna trust him. He may look good on the outside, but it's what he'll really do that matters. And he's flip-flopped so much before, it's a pretty good chance he'll do it again if he gets elected.

Watch out for Romney. Just because the establishment wants him doesn't mean we should back him. Remember that his healthcare plan was the basis for ObamaCare. Remember that he is a moderate, borderline liberal, not a true conservative. Don't buy him. He can't be trusted.

All that glitters isn't gold.

-Austin Eldridge

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Debates Continue

Well, last week, we saw the first Republican Presidential Debate in a month. And it started off, well, bad.

Jon King is certainly one of the worst debate moderators around. I can't stand him. The way he asks his questions is sickening. He tries to set the candidates up to argue and look bad, and he leaves at least two of the candidates out on a question for at least 5 minutes! Ridiculous. This is a debate, not a two-man argument. But, enough ranting about Jon King :)

The debate itself was pretty good. Of course, as expected, the candidates were going after Rick Santorum hard because of his rise in the polls. He did a pretty good job of holding his ground, although he faltered a couple of times trying to dig himself out of a hole.

Mitt Romney looked bad. I think he is still shocked he isn't completely dominating right now. It seems that America is beginning to see Romney for what he really is... A fake. Hopefully, it will stay that way. As a side note, when he said "You get to ask the questions you want, I get to answer them the way I want" while not answering the question was appalling.

Ron Paul had some very good answers to some questions, especially about spending and contraception. The other candidates still go after him hard when it comes to foreign policy of course, and he has some work to do if he wants to get back in the race.

Newt Gingrich looked like the old Newt again. Quick, witty answers and pounding the finger on the table got him lots of applause. But, he has a lot of ground to make up from what he has lost. We'll see if he can. Rick Perry, who endorsed him, was in the house and is apparently helping him out a bit on the campaign trail. We'll see how it goes.

Over all, it was a pretty good debate. I was glad to see them back on the debate stage answering some questions once more. More primaries are coming up tomorrow, so we'll see what the people of those states think.

Until next time!

-Austin Eldridge

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Here It Comes

Well, we all know what's coming now. Mitt Romney is scared. Rick Santorum has made him that way. After Santorum has come from behind to stun Romney and take a lead in the national polls, after steamrolling everyone in Missouri, Minnesota, and Colorado, Mitt is ready to fire with the mud.

We've seen it happen to Newt Gingrich. We've seen it happen to Ron Paul. We saw it happen with Herman Cain. Welcome to the mudslinging show, Mr. Santorum.

Mitt Romney is going to use his boatloads of money to try and dig up all the dirt he can on Santorum. But beware. Mitt Romney is not to be trusted. After all, he is the one who is not a true conservative, and says one thing and votes another way. So don't believe it just because Romney says it's true. Do the research. You'll probably find that Romney is putting out a lot of lies.

-Austin Eldridge